Faculty of Economics & Management Sciences
Departments Information
The Faculty of Economics & Management Sciences (EMS) is one of the pioneering faculties at Darul Hikmah University, focusing on developing specialized skills in the areas of management, business, marketing, and accounting. EMS prepares graduates who are well educated, professional and virtuous scholars in today’s modern world.
EMS offers a unique learning experience which takes place in a conducive environment generated by a team of dedicated faculty members and lecturers who are keen to develop the students’ natural desire for knowledge and equip them with the requisite skills to explore potential opportunities, contribute creative ideas, inspire peers and navigate through the challenges of the modern business world.Our graduates will have a firm understanding of management & economic decisions that people, companies and governments make to advance their interests. As one of the oldest and well-established academic fields, Economics has powerful and systematic analytical measures that allow economists to understand social behavior and attitudes at a very unique approach, which makes it one of the most exciting fields of study.On behalf of the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, I extend a sincere congratulations and best of luck to outgoing students of Faculty. You have been exceptional representatives of the Faculty and University and I have no doubt that you will continue to serve as worthy ambassadors us. I would also like to give special thanks to the parents, spouses, children and friends of our graduates for their patience, understanding, sacrifices and support – both moral and financial – during these challenging, but rewarding, years at the faculty.
Mr. Abdullahi Hassan Mudey
Dean of Faculty of Economics & Management Sciences